Latest Past Events
Working with Resistance: A Deep Democracy Approach
OnlineAs facilitators, our job is to help diverse groups come together, engage in dialogues that encourage positive collaboration across differences, enable groups to overcome resistance, access more of the wisdom inherent in the system, and craft solutions that stick. Resistance is a dynamic that slows down or sometimes even blocks the system from moving toward a decision. In this session, ... Read more »
Decreasing Polarization through Deep Democracy at the ACR Conference
Creighton University 602 North 20th Street, OmahaJoin us at the Association for Conflict Resolution annual conference! Polarization isn’t just for politics. Across the US and the world, people are managing differences by dividing into us versus them camps. Some of this is good-natured (think sports teams), but much of it devolves into name-calling, oversimplification of issues, and demonization of the other side. Deep Democracy, a method ... Read more »
Interrupting the Path to Violence: Using Deep Democracy to Identify and Mitigate Precursors to Violence
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Rd, North GraftonJoin us at the Frontiers of Democracy conference! Violence doesn't just happen. There are often warning signs that appear long before a situation erupts. All too often, we don't pay attention to these warning signs. We brush them off, discount them, or otherwise ignore them. Other times, we see the warning signs, but hesitate to intervene out of fear of ... Read more »