What kinds of organizations work with Partnering Resources?
Partnering Resources consults primarily to technology, financial services and insurance companies. Our clients generally have revenues of $50M+ and 200+ employees. We occasionally take on pro bono projects for local nonprofit organizations.
What kinds of issues bring companies to Partnering Resources?
Partnering Resources specializes in helping companies align with their partners, adapt to market and customer shifts, implement major change, and achieve results amidst uncertainty. Our clients call us when they want to engage the workforce around high-priority strategies and initiatives, when they need to develop road maps for execution, and when they know they must collaborate better in order to achieve results.
Why should my company choose Partnering Resources?
Partnering Resources offers responsive, results-oriented service. We understand the value of practical solutions that achieve outcomes. We don’t recommend and run; we stick with you through the difficult work of execution, making sure that your company achieves its goals. Clients enjoy direct and frequent contact, customized solutions, and total commitment to results and satisfaction.
We have a solid track record for success. For more information on how we have helped our clients achieve, read these case studies:
- Case Study – Mobilizing an Organization to Achieve a Major Goal
- Case Study – Aligning an Entire Organization around Ambitious Goals
- Case Study – Building a High Performing Team
Does Partnering Resources only work on long engagements?
Partnering Resources is available for a variety of engagements, from short workshops to multi-year projects. In the past year, we facilitated a six-month team coaching engagement, a three-month talent review process, and a 2-day collaboration workshop.
Does Partnering Resources provide executive coaching services?
Partnering Resources embeds executive coaching into every engagement, recognizing that improvement efforts work best when they have a champion. In addition, Partnering Resources provides referrals to stand-alone executive coaching services through its network of top caliber, professionally certified coaches.
How does Partnering Resources think change happens in organizations?
Partnering Resources believes that change occurs in organizations when five elements are in place:
- Active, committed leadership. People look to their leaders when making change. They can be highly sensitive to leaders’ unspoken and understated messages. For example, if a leader simply shows up for a meeting and doesn’t seem committed, the people will know it. If people are asked to change without seeing their leader firmly on board, they’ll drag their heels. In change efforts, leaders must fulfill their leadership role by being accessible, available, active, and articulate about change.
- A clear case for change, linked to specific goals. People are most likely to change when they understand why they must and what is at stake for the organization. Then they need to understand what they can do individually to achieve the vision. They need specific goals that easily link back to the vision. We will work closely together to make sure that the leadership team can clearly and consistently communicate case for change and the vision.
- Embedded change, not programmatic change. Change works best when it is embedded into an organization, part of individuals’ daily work lives, rather than a program that they hear about sporadically. The most potent change initiatives become part of how an organization does business. Partnering Resources embeds our work into the organization, so that change becomes what the company does, not what we do to you.
- Employee participation. People enjoy being part of changes that they create. Partnering Resources helps you build strong connections to your staff so they understand why the change is important and what they need to do to help. We employ a participative process that mines the inherent talent and creativity of the workforce to meet challenges and solve problems.
- Successful use of hidden networks. Every organization has a hidden network of relationships and interactions that people engage to get routine work done, make decisions, solve problems, and innovate. These networks follow proven mathematical patterns and consist of three key roles that have more influence than others on the success of change efforts. These three roles, explained in our white paper, The Three Most Important Positions You Don’t Know About Yet, can be tapped to accelerate change. We recommend ChangeWeb to organizations seeking to accelerate change.
For more information about leading change, see our article Becoming a Change Leader on CIO.com.
What is one thing that I can do today to improve the health of my organization?
Not knowing you or your organization, the best recommendation we can make is to suggest that you go to a coffee shop. Take a pad and, away from the bustle of the office, take stock of the organization. What’s working well? Who could use reinforcement for their good work? What needs improvement? Who has the capabilities and connections to make those improvements? Use your responses to these four questions to help you refocus and then, when you return to the office, take action. To discuss your specific situation, contact us.